Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pictures Underwater

Cassie and Ashley 
This past summer, Ashley turned 16.  She wanted money for her birthday because other than a car, she didn't know what she wanted.  She decided to get a waterproof otterbox for her iPhone.  

We were at the beach when she made this purchase.  I was visiting my cousin and returned to see her using her phone in the pool as I looked down from the balcony of our condo.  Not knowing that she had made this purchase while I was out, I was very alarmed to see and quickly sent her a text to tell her to get her phone away from the pool.  Her reply was to simply drop her phone in the water, dive to get it, and come up laughing.  She yelled up to me and said she had gotten her case!  I was certainly glad to hear that.

The pictures were very good.  These are pictures of the girls underwater.  They had fun taking pictures underwater.  

Ashley, Samantha, and a friend.
Cassie and Ashley


  1. So cool. I bet my kids would love to have those especially my daughter. In her former life I think she was a fish or some sort of water creature.

  2. Ok, that is pretty cool, but I am not sure I am that brave. If I bought one of those cases I am not sure I could trust it that much to take my IPhone underwater. Does it come with a guarantee? Never the less, those are very cool pictures.

  3. Robbie,
    Otterbox guarantees....the case itself. It does not replace the phone. Unfortunately, there are a great deal of rumors out there that says it does, but I did research it on I personally am not happy about the purchase of this case, but, teens! You gotta love them. I wouldn't put my phone in the case and drop it in the water.

  4. Wendy,
    Before you purchase one, you have to have the same agreement.....if your phone is messed up with water in the will be without a phone, or you PAY for a replacement.
    They do have fun with it.
