This is our first grandchild. After raising five girls, a boy is a delight to have in the family. Although we have a son-in-law, who is the best, girls are out number the guys in this family. Even our dogs are female! LOL
Brooks Michael Blackman, born December 17, 2012, is a joy in our family. As you can see, he is already a sports fan and I'm sure will be an athlete in school, if his father has anything to do with it. The girls oooh and ahhhh over him every chance they get.
With Brooks' mom and dad living in Charleston, SC, it is difficult to see him as often as we would like, but we sure can spoil him from a distance. We are excited about next week being Spring break....can you guess what we are going to do? I'm so excited and so are the girls, and the grandfather. I can't forget about him!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Easter week.