Sunday, April 28, 2013

Devil's Arithmetic was a devil to me!

Samantha had to complete a project for the book, Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.  She chose to build a concentration camp that was located in Poland, and tell why this was important in the book.  Actually, this is the entrance to the camp. We worked on this project all day long!  Since it was her project, she had to cut the pieces, and complained about her hand hurting.  Then she had to paint, and complained about it was too hard to paint all of the little toothpicks.  I was sure glad to get this project done.  Here is her picture.  She was proud of her hard work once it was done.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my.......that looks wonderful. I don't ever remember having to do anything like that with my kids. You are a great mom.
