Sunday, April 28, 2013

Devil's Arithmetic was a devil to me!

Samantha had to complete a project for the book, Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.  She chose to build a concentration camp that was located in Poland, and tell why this was important in the book.  Actually, this is the entrance to the camp. We worked on this project all day long!  Since it was her project, she had to cut the pieces, and complained about her hand hurting.  Then she had to paint, and complained about it was too hard to paint all of the little toothpicks.  I was sure glad to get this project done.  Here is her picture.  She was proud of her hard work once it was done.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Power of Three

Have you ever heard that saying that bad things happen in three's?  Today, we had just the opposite.  Good things happenend in three's!
First, Samantha had her confirmation in church this morning.  Bless her heart.  She has prepared for this for four months of sessions with the youth at church.  I can't believe how many young people there are in this church that had confirmation today.  I think this is absolutely wonderful.  We are very proud that Samantha decided to do this.  I guess it was a way that somone was telling us that we needed to attend church on a regulary basis.  I have lived in this town for three and a half years and haven't really found a church.  I guess Samantha found it for me.  
Samantha is the one in front of the older man.  
Second, Cassie, our daughter in college, made the cheerleading team again for next year.  This was her first year in college.  They have to tryout every year for cheerleading.  We are very proud of her as well.

The third, actually is a comical little story.  I was sitting at the kitchen table working on the computer when I hear a screeching yell, "HELP ME! Please come help me!" At the same time, I hear running down the stairs. I jump up to run to Samantha, just as she runs into the kitchen.  I asked her what was wrong as she was panic stricken in the face.  She started pointed in her mouth and said her tooth was stuck sideways and she couldn't get it turned back around.  What a commotion for nothing.  Poor thing.  I washed my hands, grabbed a paper towel to use to twist the tooth back in I came right out.  I did take a picture of her before I touched it, which calmed her down a little. I told her I was taking the picture to show her how it was twisted in her mouth, but I was taking it to put here.  LOL You can see how it is twisted in her mouth.  She also hates anything that happens to her and gagged as she rinsed her mouth and saw the blood.  She is the drama queen.  The tooth fairy will be here tonight.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Krystal and Robbie

Krystal and Robbie
April 6, 2013
 This is Krystal and Robbie.  I may be a biased mom, but isn't she just beautiful?  LOL  She is my sunshine.  When she was about 2 years old, we used to sing that song together all of the time.  She even made it into a funny rap at two and she still sings it to me that way today.

She and Robbie will soon be married.   The wedding will be in August at Murrells Inlet, SC.  It's going to be a small wedding with just immediate family and their best friends.  Probably somewhere around 80 people total.  She opted to have a small wedding to save money so she could have what was left in the wedding budget for them to have a little cash to pad their checking account, as she says it, to begin their new life together.  Of course, I don't blame her and I think it's pretty smart.

Robbie is going to be a wonderful son-in-law.  The first time I met him, I had to tell him my corvette story.  To make a long story short, I told it to every boyfriend she has ever had, and they all ran except for him.  He's a winner!  The story goes something like this......Son, if your father gave you a brand new, red/black corvette, would you take really good care of it?  Of course the answer would be yes.  I'd say, son, would you wash it, wax it, and keep it really clean on the inside?  They would all answer, yes.  I'd say, son, if you drove that car to a party and stood outside and one of your friends walked over to your brand new corvette, that your father gave to you, and you have washed it, waxed it, and worked hard keeping it really clean on the inside, and that person took a key and scratched it all they way down the side, what would you do?  Each one of her boyfriends always fell for this....they would reply, I'd probably go slam that person down and fight!  Or something on the order of that.  I'd smile and look at my daughter and then look at her boyfriend, and say, as I pointed over to her, well, son, there sits my pretty corvette!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Silly Sam

Samantha is our youngest daughter, only 11 years old, and going though all of the silly loves of the young stars.  The Easter Bunny just happend to know that she was in love with Harry, from the group One Direction, and put a towel with the groups picture on it in her basket.  She was so excited about that silly towel!  She immediately spread the towel neatly on the floor and was sprawled out on top of it.  I peered over at her and asked if she were kissing Harry!  hahahahhahahahaa  She is so crazy!  She laughed and said, "NO!"  I think she was.  She wanted me to take a picture of her so she could send it to her friends.  This is the picture of the towel and my Silly Sam!